Level 2 Course Completion
Thank you for submitting the course evaluation! We take your feedback seriously. And, we appreciate the time and energy you have put into completing this course.
Those who attended at least 3/4 of the class time are eligible for a Certificate of Completion. To ensure we print your name just as you want it displayed, please please use the form below to request your certificate.
What's next?
Advance Your Skills
Stay in touch! If you have questions, email us! If you want to talk through an incident, reach out. Once you have completed a course with us you are a contact for life and we are happy to continue to help you think through, strategize and organize around incident response in your organization.
You can also find incident management resources for free or purchase on our main website: www.blackrock3.com.
Blackrock 3 Incident Response Network on LinkedIn
Now that you have completed Incident Response Level 1 training, we’d like to invite you to join our LinkedIn Community to connect and share resources. As a course graduate you can join here or click the image below. We hope to see you there!