Before Class Starts
Welcome! We're looking forward to meeting you in the Zoom classroom.

(3 min, 9 sec)

Get familiar with your instructors. They bring a depth of incident management experience unparalleled in the industry. They’re here to help you understand techniques and build skills that can be applied to a wide variety of situations, including critical IT incidents in your own workplace.

We guarantee you will get more out of the training--and be better able to apply these skills to your job--if you show up ready to participate.
- Show up on time. Better yet, login a few minutes prior to the scheduled starting time. We have a lot to do! When your team shows up on time and ready, we will finish on time, having covered all of the targeted material. If people arrive late or unprepared, it may set them or their teams back in the learning process.
- Attend via computer. Mobile devices will not offer the same experience, as you may not be able to access all of the tools or information on a more limited device.
- Camera on. We will be coaching you through a number of interactive exercises. In order for us to gauge understanding and provide the best feedback possible, we need your webcam turned on during the Sprints.
- Participate! This is an opportunity to take on roles outside of your comfort zone or job title. Every participant will have opportunity to speak up, practice, and try out skills in small group settings. We expect you to participate, and you’ll be glad you did!
- Embrace uncertainty. In the same way IT incidents can be chaotic, we have intentionally designed the small group exercises to include some uncertainty. Run with it. This affords you the chance to practice skills under some more realistic conditions.
- Expect to give and receive feedback. We’ll be coaching participants and providing feedback, and team members will have the opportunity to give feedback to each other within small group settings. At the end, participants will also be asked to provide instructors with feedback regarding the course content and structure. It’s not only requested, but required in order to earn a Certificate of Completion!
- Let us know if you’ll be absent. We understand that IT incidents, illness or other factors may cause you to miss a Sprint. If you know in advance you are going to be gone, let us know. Attendance for at least 75% of the sessions is required for a Certificate of Completion. On a case by case basis, participants may be able to attend a makeup session with another group in order to complete the course.

Get familiar with Academy Resources, the Home page for the Incident Management training. Have this web page open at the start of each Sprint.

(optional) Check out our Incident Management for Operations textbook. It discusses in depth the skills and techniques we’ll be using in class, and provides you with a solid background in applying these techniques to any setting, especially IT incident response where Mean Time to Resolution is critical.