Stage Appropriate Briefing Exercise
Each person will create one stage-appropriate CAN Report or IMS Briefing.
Breakout Room
Incident Commander (IC)
- Assign each person one of the briefings, making sure all three stages are assigned.
- Guide discussion to uncover details regarding the incident.
- Establish expectations, set time contracts.
- Request a briefing from each person.
- Select one LNO from each stage to deliver their briefing in the main group.
Everyone (LNOs)
Each person writes one stage-appropriate briefing, as assigned.
- Briefing 1: beginning of incident – Verbal CAN to Executive
- Briefing 2: middle of incident – Written IMS Briefing to external constituents (SMEs that are not on the bridge)
- Briefing 3: resolution of incident – Verbal IMS Briefing or CAN to customers
Use the scenario below. Identify key events, consider your audience. Deliver your briefing to the breakout group as practice.
Click here to view scenario for this exercise.