Key Contact ChecklistStep 3 At any point, if you have questions, please reach out to Scheduling Class Lead & Executive Intro Survey: Your Organization Technology Scenarios Before Class Starts Invitations & Zoom Links Survey: Your Organization Thank you for serving as the Key Contact for your organization! Your answers to these questions will help us identify issues that may challenge your organization’s response during critical IT incidents. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company Name: *Your Name: *Job Title *Your Email *EmailConfirm Email1. Based on the Operational Maturity Model shown below, what phase best describes the organization's current incident response program? *1 - Initial2 - Managed3 - Defined4 - Data Driven5 - Optimized 2. Describe three challenges encountered during high severity incidents. Use one box per idea. a. * b. * c. * 3a. Does the organization recognize and utilize specific roles and responsibilities for incident command, incident documentation, and incident communications to internal and external stakeholders? *Always, or almost alwaysSometimesRarely or never3b. Please explain: *4. By what method are teams, business units, executives, and technical experts dispatched/notified of an incident (i.e. email, Everbridge, (x)Matters, PagerDuty, SMS, phone, etc.)? *5. Do Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and other responders have Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for responding to incidents? *Yes, we have SLAs and they are followed.Yes, we have SLAs but they are seldom followed.No, we don't have any formal SLAs for incident responders.Other (please explain):5b. If other, please explain:6. What challenges exist in terms of integrating SMEs into an incident response? *7. What role do senior Executives play during an incident response? *8. What communication channel/platform is used by Incident Commanders and SMEs during an incident? *Video conference (Zoom, MS Teams, other)Audio conference (Webex, Ring Central, other)Text based (Slack, Jira, email, other)Other (please describe)8b: Other 9. Is there any additional information that would help us better understand the incident response challenges at your organization, and/or any specific topics you feel are important for us to cover during the course? *Submit Return to previous step Continue to next step